Just Bloom

"A flower does not think about competing with the flower next to it...it just blooms." - author unknown

We could all use a lesson from the flower. Am I right? I've had many questions this past month about how to gain better FOCUS. What I continue to hear from clients is how they get tugged and pulled from their own focus - projects, plans, goals - because of paying too much attention and worrying about what other people/company's are doing. And while we're here, let's throw in that word...WORRY. Worry is like a rocking chair - it'll keep you busy rocking back and forth, but it will eventually wear you out...and you won't get anywhere.

I think many of us play the tug-of-war game in these area's. Below is something that has worked for me, and today I am sharing with each of you:

1. Think of three words you would like people (your customers/family/friends) to use to describe you.

2. Set an alarm on your phone for the time('s) of day you find yourself most distracted and/or worrying. Some people set one alarm and others may set up to four alarms. (I recommend to do this during business hours only.)

3. Title those alarms with the three words from #1. (Most phones now allow you to give your alarm's titles.)

Each time your alarm goes off you will see those three words and it will trigger you to ask yourself, "What am I doing right now to ensure these qualities are met?" Try it for a at least two weeks. After two weeks, most people have found their focus to be much better and their worry much less (because they are focusing where they need to.)

Bloom to your full potential!

